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Zino Davidoff revolutionized the cigar business throughout the years with a commitment to quality and an unwavering spirit of adventure. Nowhere is this better celebrated than with the Zino Nicaragua series by Davidoff. Rich yet balanced, complex yet approachable, the Zino Nicaragua Robusto is a wonderful blend of quality, taste, and value ideally suited as a go-to everyday smoke.
The Zino Nicaragua Robusto is handmade at Davidoff’s factory in Honduras using a wide-ranging blend of tobaccos. The filler blend includes Honduran Olancho Visus, Honduran Jamastran Visus, Nicaraguan Ometepe Visus, Dominican San Vicente Seco, and Dominican San Vicente Mejorado Seco leave. The portly 5” x 54 cigar is finished off with a Nicaraguan Semilla 56 Seco binder and elegant Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper leaf.
Each size of Zino Nicaragua features the same blend, yet each offers a unique expression of the tobaccos. Balance is the focus of the Zino Nicaragua Robusto, which delivers a smooth yet intensely flavorful medium-plus experience. The tastebuds are bathed in supple leather, pepper, nut, coffee, spice, dark chocolate, and cedar flavors, as a pleasing creaminess ties it all together for a memorable finish.
The Zino Nicaragua Robusto is a great tasting cigar-smoking escape that offers one of the best values in its class. Enjoy these inviting smokes with your favorite black IPA or a classic Cuba Libre cocktail for a deliciously engaging experience and unforgettable experience.